
This website's central primary is to archive various development guides and tutorials for my self in the future, carefully explain them with images, code blocks, and repositories.

It's build using the following technologies:

Hosting for static sites with benefits like collect form data, automatic deployment from repository pushes and more.
The base UI library that is used to display reactive variables, manage events, styles and more.
Framework wrapping Vue that manages: SSR, file path based routing, automatic vuex store, Webpack and much more through modules.
Components framework that implements the Material Design 2 specification from Google using Vue components also with various css and javascript helpers.
Nuxt Content
Nuxt module to write in a "content/" directory and fetch your files content through a MongoDB like API, acting as a Git-based Headless CMS.
Nuxt i18n
Nuxt module that provides i18n features implementing vue-i18n, adding route generation with locales, detect browser language, and more
Nuxt PWA
Nuxt module that makes the PWA configuration easy and has default values to work out-of-the-box